collapsible curved folding 10mm coroplast boat tail
I had an idea for a curved folding 10mm coroplast boat tail.
The flutes on the sheets would go across the boattail. The inside panel/strip between every other flute would be trimmed out. That would make the sheets very bendable over the length of the boattail so they could form the proper curve but stiff/flat across.
If the top and side sheets had the same curves and the cuts on top were between the even flutes and the sides between the odd flutes then the edges of those sheets should mesh together like 10mm interlocking teeth. That would keep the sheet from bending or sliding inward past each other. Magnets in some of those teeth would keep the sheets from swinging out.
The bottom and back sheet would be stiff and flat with only a cut at the vehicle end and between those two pieces to make hinges. The bottom would hang from two cables like a tailgate.
To fold the tail this tail up, the top sheet would be rolled up and tossed over the vehicle. The back would fold down and and then the bottom fold up vertical. The sides would then fold inward. Lastly the top would be pushed back and would unroll down. The tail should only take up a few inches past the bumper when folded.
Unfolding would be the reverse process.
For those who need visibility many small square windows could be cut into the tail and covered with flexible transparent film.
Last edited by miket; 08-12-2010 at 07:21 PM..
Reason: typo