Boss who manages a bunch of *nix nerds and knows next to nothing about it himself. This past week our fearless leader decided: a) developers and vendors have no business whatsoever poking around our production systems; 2) if they do need access, he was going to force them to use samba. This was not a discussion, it was a decree.
Problems with this scenario are legion, so let's just list the biggies. 1) Vendors and developers are very, very often our escalation points when things go awry, so cutting off their access is like cutting one's nose off to spite one's face; 2) *nix coupled with keyfob-controlled access does what he wants, does it better, with more granularity, and oh-by-the-way IT'S ALREADY IN PLACE AND HAS BEEN SINCE BEFORE HE WAS BORN.
Thank you, I feel better now.