Hi all, long time lurker / first time poster here. I'm from Australia, about an hour and a half South of Sydney in our highland region. Lush countryside, cold winters (-5'C / 23'F) and hot summers. I do a fair bit of highway travelling I suppose, as well as the normal short commute and trip to the shops etc. Basic stuff. Hence the basic car.
So, enter Jerry the 2013 Mazda 2! She's got 160,000km / 100,000 miles on the clocks and is equiped with a five speed manual, 1.5L gasoline 4cyl and not much else. The interior is perfect but the outside needs some attention.
Here's the first bit I tackled - headlights. Hard to drive economically if you can't see where you're going at night. I used water, 2000 grit wet-n-dry, and then some Meguiars ScratchX polish with a microfibre cloth. Very easy and worked really well.