Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
16G installed, 32G capacity?
Yes, but the one I linked was $50 more than the one I bought. If that is the only difference, I would rather save the money.
Crucial says I have 2x8, with room for two more, $30 each. It looks like an SSD would only be $70, but I never installed the last one. The first one made my laptop amazingly quick, but died after a month. The second one did not seem to make a difference, but died after a week. The replacement is refurbished and I did not feel motivated to attempt it.
I prefer to replace computers with at least as much RAM and other specs as the older one, although I am not sure I have filled up a hard drive in a decade or more. I do not download movies or anything. I do not plan on downloading any games. This should work perfectly, I got the extended warranty, it it far easier to work on a desktop, and it is 10% less likely than I will drop this than my last three laptops!
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Dead how? Lots of things that can make a laptop (or desktop FTM) seem not to work are relatively easy to repair.
I told people that I expected it to boot up just fine eventually and it did today. I wish it had just said "I'm not talking to you!" in the meantime. All systems functioning within specified parameters. Great. It did this when I was trying to write seventeen progress reports before annual training. I was trying to figure out how to get it done, ran out of time, went to work, and the computer booted just fine afterwards.
I really do need a reliable computer for work.
I got on for the first time since coming home from Iowa and as I started looking at my speech documents it just froze. I ended up pulling the battery and unplugging it. When I put them back, it did not respond to the power buttons. I tried dozens of times and went to Costco.
That is exactly what it did three weeks ago, but it sat for sixteen of those days.
Would there be some kind of log indicating what might have caused it to freeze? I did not have a BSD.
Oilpan, how many times have you been to Afghanistan?
Redpoint, I did not realize that refinancing mortgages had closing costs. You basically replace one mortgage with another? My ten-day fiancée refinanced her home and they gave her $800, which she happily spent.
I thought she should have put that back into the mortgage, on top of her normal payments.
Baking is good for motherboards? How do they smell?

I think you have discussed business laptops on here before. If I do decide to get another laptop in the future, I hope I remember that. I bought an HP notebook before my first annual training and it was supposed to last the rest of my schooling, but it slipped out of my fingers when I came home and when it came back from warranty repairs, I cracked the screen again!
I still have not sent that in. I keep forgetting the extended warranty expires soon. I bought it 7/10/2013. You may recall Windows was telling me to purchase a new license.
Then there is the other Asus that I bought earlier in my deployment. My buddy asked if he could use my laptop while I went to work. Then I came back and he said "I didn't do it, but your laptop died." He refused to answer any questions. So, I sent that in for warranty repair, and bought the newer one. The day the second one arrived, I got the older one working, so I returned the new one, and they just mailed it to my mom's house, where it waited the rest of deployment, a year in Germany, and the first couple of months I was home.
The older one worked perfectly, but I decided to use the "brand-new" one that sat in a box for a year and a half.
The older one never worked right after that. When the newer one has gone down, the older one seems to boot fine and everything appears okay, but then it abruptly dies. I run burn-in software and 90% of the time it goes however long I tell it and gives zero errors, but sometimes it goes black without anything showing up in the logs.
Then there is Dad's, with the dead fan.
I may have more...
People thought I was crazy for bringing my brand-new laptop to annual training three years ago. I thought they were crazy for assuming I would, I left it at home!
Plenty of Soldiers brought theirs, though.
We desperately needed reliable computers while we were out, though. Don't you know the military runs on malfunctioning on-line classes?
Thanks for the feedback!