This strikes me as another facet in the large and unlovely turd of a scandal that is VW's dieselgate fiasco.
VW got caught and is currently being very publicly flogged by the media for designing a workaround in the vehicles' programming that when it detects a situation that suggests it is being emissions tested, it will work in such a way as to pass emissions. The rest of the time it is powerful and responsive and emits gases like 1984 Bhopal.
I have long suspected that the manufacturers are, to a certain degree, ALL designing to the mileage tests. I don't think it's a part of a conspiracy industry-wide to do so, it's just that Kind of like teachers whose feet are being held to the fire of mandated testing, they teach the kids how to fare well on the test while inadvertently forgetting to teach more relevant skills like how to assess problems, apply solutions, research, etc.
In other words, they (the manufacturers) are satisfying their own needs by building cars that excel at the test while being crap in the real world.
I believe the solution is to make economy as fun and sexy as it can possibly be. Yes, I understand that is a bit of a contradiction. But pitch the offerings to the public that way and then DON'T TEST THEM. Or at least, don't offer the government test results.
Offer the public's test results instead! Forget what it whistles up on a standardized program on a rolling road, here's how it does when driven by a nervous teen getting some practice miles in on the way to school, and then Dad takes it to the office. Here's the average mileage posted by hundreds of users, please note these are exclusively Grocery Store Run Ratings. Post Office Run Ratings will be different, your mileage may vary.
I understand the standardized tests ideally provide a consistent result that can then be used to compare between models, but if we're going to complain about how big the discrepancy is between the test and the real world, why then are we not providing real world results?
Hmm. I think I changed my own subject. And I don't have a really good answer for that last question. Any takers?
Sorry, bit of a rant.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
Last edited by elhigh; 09-01-2016 at 10:44 AM..