Originally Posted by MeteorGray
The earth turns chlorophyll green with warmth.
It turns icy white with cold.
I like green.
Some climate weirdness:
1) at 104F and above, photosynthesis in most plants ceases. Stomata close. Plants dehydrate. Leaves shrivel. Crops fail. Carbon sequestration stops. Trees become fuel.
2) ice is 'dark' in comparison to powder snow, and as rain continues to replace snow in the Arctic, the darker ice is absorbing more solar energy, amplifying polar warming. A positive global warming feedback loop mechanism.
3) As wind velocity increases in Antarctica, what snow that does fall, can get blown off the ice before it can accumulate, exacerbating ice melt / loss of under-ice habitat for algae / food chain collapse / solar absorption increase / continental lithosphere exposure / direct warming / ocean desalination / sea level rise / feedback loop.