Originally Posted by NoCO2
What kind of tape did you use? If I had to guess I would say it's just clear plastic, packing tape from the pictures, but I just want to be sure before I use it on my car. My car has been in a few accidents by previous owners so there are large gaps that need to be sealed around the head lamps and near the rear fender. I just want to be sure that it will not pull paint or dissolve the clear coat on the paint before I do this because I know some kinds of tape have an acid in them that can damage things such as paper.
The tape is heavy duty construction type plastic tape from a hardware store.
I have not tried to remove the tape, so I don't know what the effects are. If you go ahead with it, assume the worst - that it will strip the paint. I don't know that, but that was my assumption going into it.
The whole reason I could do this was because I have a cheap car and I don't care about resale value. In fact, considering the fuel I'll be saving over driving a standard, unmodified car in a standard way, the payback period is 5 years. If fuel prices go higher in the next 5 years, obviously, the payback period will be shorter. e.g., if they double, it's 2.5 years. If they triple, it's 1.7 years.