Ecco Newbie
I just want to say that this looks like a nice forum with nice people which is a good thing for the www. Also hello to every1
I just have a statement and some questions which maybe could be replied too
I am helping friend "ecco" a 2006 Toyota Prius. My friend has already made aero wheel caps out pizza bake pans invereted to wheel covers (found mod on www)Okay next (my friend) is torn on aero kits from Sigma auto aka hybrid effects or self made like other "ecco" people.
Does any1 know if rear wheel skirts are better if they are flush with rest of body style kinda like the Honda insight which are flush??? Next do local tire dealers carry "narrow" type tires???
The sigma front bumpers kits by either hybrid effects or A Coro look nice in pics but has any1 tried them out yet????
Thanks TexasCotton
Last edited by TexasCotton; 10-11-2008 at 08:07 PM..