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Old 04-27-2018, 11:16 PM   #11 (permalink)
EcoModding flying lizard
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Georgia
Posts: 743

Cibbie - '88 Honda CBR 250R
90 day: 48.49 mpg (US)

Rarity - '06 Honda Accord EX V6
Team Honda
90 day: 29.88 mpg (US)

Baby viff - '86 Honda VFR 400R
90 day: 42.15 mpg (US)

Latios - '08 Suzuki SV650SF
90 day: 64.56 mpg (US)

Mazda 3 - '14 Mazda 3 i Sport
90 day: 43.25 mpg (US)
Thanks: 618
Thanked 264 Times in 176 Posts
My neighborhood lost 3 houses to fire recently, two were within a few months of each other. I think it was determined that lightning strikes caused at least one fire, and another was caused by the car in the garage.

Cruze ecos are cheap enough now that they could fit in your budget. Those should be able to get 45 mpg on the highway no problem.

Edit: I see the thread is from 2012, woops. Looks like you got a prius anyways.

-Kaze o tatakaimasen-

Best trip in V6: 52.0
Best tank in V6: 46.0
Best tank in Mazda: 49.9
Best tank in CBR: 61.3
Best tank in SV: 83.9

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