Originally Posted by paasat05
Ok this is my first thread here and I am looking for help to ecomodding my new front splitter. First off I have been on this site for a while but now I have something new to challenge people. I put on a splitter to my passat b5.5 2005 1.9tdi and it is one foot in from either side of the car and am looking to improve it. I don't real do a - b - a testing however I monitor the fuel gauge and every now and again do a test from the reserve light to 24 litres of fuel to reserve light and have got 65mpg imperial but now going hard at it. I will add photos once I get the required posts. any help appreciated 
I suspect that VW has already 'optimized' the Passat's nose,respecting the 16-degree approach angle.(VW 'invented' optimization).
In 1976,the original Rabbit/Golf nose was withing 2% of an 'ideal' aero nose.
If your Passat was within 2% of the ideal,you could not expect more than a 1% improvement in mpg from a nose modification.
To get the 2%,I believe that you'd have to push the lower edge of the nose forward to at least get its face vertical,while maintaining an air dam which was as low as the bottom of the cars belly.
This would aggravate scrubbing on driveways,so the lower lip would have to be flexible.Here's kinda what you'd be looking for