Ok, we arrived to the step of transferring the power to the wheel...
the question is how...?
The structure of the motor and the grinder is that it turns only to one direction. (I think, even if it would be possible to reverse the motors polarity, the nut which holds the smaller cog would loosen up...) This direction forces me to drive the rear wheel from the left side.
So, how do we put a sprocket on the left side? (the 6 gear gearbox is on the other one)
My idea is that I get a big sprocket (some 40 teeth) with a small hole in the middle and put that one on the left side of the hub, fastening it with M6 or maybe M8 bolts going through the little triangles formed by the spokes by the hub... I could carve out some rubber pieces which would ensure that the sprocket is nicely mounted to the spokes / on the hub...
The good candidate for such a sprocket is a BMX front sprocket, being a full disc so I can drill wherever I want. It's also a bit wider than usual bike sprockets. size is: 1/2 x 1/8. chain is 410
to match it, I found that the front sprocket from an old german moped (it was really popular here, parts are abundant) Simson could fit nicely on the grinder shaft. That sprocket needs chain 420, which is only wider, the pitch and the roller diameter is the same. Get 420 chain, and we are done...
Better idea?
I was also considering putting a rearwheel hub to the front and have the bike front driven. I'm a bit reluctant to do so... probably because I never saw a front driven bike.