I'm loving this website. I was getting about 24.5 mpg with my Cavalier. I read through the hypermiling tips and began to use some of them around half a tank. I don't shut my car off but I do let it coast in neutral when I can. I've done a little p&g. I try to conserve as much momentum as possible, but I'm still learning distancing. I read one member say that the highest speed they've applied their brakes at lately has been 18 mph, that is skillful. I drive alot of 50-55 mph roads with many traffic lights, some on timers, it makes it tough. This has quickly become a fun game to do while driving.
I filled up last night and came to 28.6 mpg

I'm excited, driving through a whole tank should put me up to about 32. I also just checked my tire pressure today, I'm 24-26 psi all around. Yikes. I'm going to bump it up to about 46 today.
I'm running Sunoco fuel.