yes, it helps my situation. Had the block freeze plug removed. 800 watt block/coolant heater installed. Purchased the largest flat flexible pad heater and installed it on the lowest area of the manual transmission. Ran the 110 volt line to the area of the 12 volt battery. Encased the 110v lines in the flexible wiring " armor ". Didn't want to mix 110 V ac with 12 V DC via chafing and the Murphy's Law gremlin that lives under my hood.
Someone on the forum has done the research on different types of coolant heaters vs. time plugged in vs. resulting scangaged measured temp.
I plug mine in for 30-45 minutes before leaving. Winter temps here can run from -22 degrees to 40 degrees. Usually, I shove off with a coolant temp of 120-145. Only takes 4-5 city blocks to get a 184-188 coolant temp, rather than up to a mile or more. Trannie shifts much easy and quickly. Valve/tappet clicking none or a little (206,000 miles on both). MPG's in town improve quicker( no A-B-A, just IOM( inter-ocular measurement..eyeballing it).
This is with running full synthetics engine, Trannie, and diff'.
I park outside, tie red yarn to steering wheel to remind me to not accidental try to tow the house down the road with me.