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Old 03-24-2012, 05:32 PM   #21 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Posts: 2,442

2004 CTD - '04 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT
Team Cummins
90 day: 19.36 mpg (US)
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Thanked 737 Times in 557 Posts
I'd go for some heavy tint across the upper portion of the windshield. And some Drivewear prescription sunglasses. If that works (and it does, for me, in a latitude with far more heat & sun than Canada) in big trucks and small, then it ought to work on a bread truck in a cold climate.

Belly pans and boat-tail a la' Orbywan ought to be studied for effectiveness. I notice that FRITO-LAY is now using little vans like this with full rear wheel skirts.

Visors are kinda "ghetto" anyhow. Right up there with too many running lights. Pretty soon it starts to look like a jitney or the questionable ice cream truck belting out Pop Goes the Weasel with all the wrong connotations associated with such. TV culture being what it is (welcome to the America's) expect that this (below) is an image one never wants:

In contrast here is a wireline truck (oilfield service company) owned by friend of my late father-in-law:

Completely custom on the one hand, low key on the other. Has windows. Service access doors. External power ports. Etc. People obviously work from it, in other words. Mild color. Discrete logo. Respectable.

Fulfill their expectations (even with a modified boat-tail) with some low-key fake name (Eindhoven Associates, Don Mills, ON) or some such on the side. A name they can't pronounce therefore recall. After all, what is your business is your business. You are "consultants" or "field engineers" or whatever.

Aero work can be "blended" with a plausible appearance that allows for a bit of oddity. And this anonymity is a mighty thing. So change the wheels/tires to a "commercial" look as well. Lose the racing stripe. And a few antennas on the roof play it up farther (and which you may already need).


Last edited by slowmover; 03-24-2012 at 05:59 PM..
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