Originally Posted by sendler
Aren't there minimum seat height laws? They say it is street legal but I think the seat is too low.
Wisconsin State Law says:
347.486 General requirements.
347.486(1) (1)No person may operate a Type 1 motorcycle if the handlegrips of the handlebars rise more than 30 inches above the lowest point of the top of the driver's seat when the seat is occupied.
347.455 Modifications to height of vehicle.
347.455(1) 347.455(2)347.455(3)347.455(4) (4)No person may operate any vehicle on a highway if modifications have been made to the suspension system, axles, chassis or exhaust system of the vehicle which cause any portion of the vehicle, except the tires, to extend below lines drawn from the bottom of each wheel rim to the points of contact between the tires on the opposite side and opposite end of the vehicle and the level surface on which the vehicle stands.