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Old 04-12-2013, 07:36 PM   #11 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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swift - '00 suzuki swift
90 day: 52.42 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by wmjinman View Post
Hey, just saw your last fuel log results. Good job - you're now the top 4 cylinder Swift on here!!! Not quite onto the first page of "Top Gasoline Cars MPG" yet, but getting REALLY close!! I'm expecting to be moving up with my next fill-up, too.

4 cylinder Swifts unite!!!
Where is this list? Not sure what this is? "top gasoline cars mpg"

Yeah go 4 banger swifts.

2000 swift 1.3L 5 speed, sycromesh,5w30.ultragauge
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Old 04-12-2013, 09:44 PM   #12 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Jimmy - '00 GMC Jimmy SLT
90 day: 21.18 mpg (US)

The White Gnat - '99 Suzuki Swift
Team Suzuki
90 day: 51.87 mpg (US)
Thanks: 240
Thanked 114 Times in 90 Posts
OK, on the "home" page for this site, on the upper left is a list of "Top Vehicles MPG (US)". At the bottom of that box is a link that says "More Top-10 MPG lists:" If you click that link, it will show the different catagories. But the first one is "Top Gasoline Cars". In that box, it only shows the top ten, but if you click the link underneath that says, "See More Entries", it will show you the complete list. There are 50 per page, 418 total at the moment.

We are on the second page, you in 54th place, and me in 59th (and "Tiny Sponge" from Sweden in 90th). My goal is to get onto the first page (in the top 50). Right now, 46.4 MPG would do it. You're close. In fact, I just looked at your fuel log, and your first tank was 40. When that becomes over 90 days old & drops off (this list is for a "moving window" of the last 90 days), your average will jump up. My first fill-up on the list ws only 24 MPG, so I'll get a huge jump when it falls off!!

There are other catagories, too. Like, my poor Jimmy, with it's 25 mpg, could never be near the top of "top gasoline cars" by MPG, but on the list "Percentage Over EPA", I was as high as 30th at one time. I like to look at them - fun to compare....
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Old 04-13-2013, 11:30 AM   #13 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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swift - '00 suzuki swift
90 day: 52.42 mpg (US)
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Cool ive seen the home page but never really paid much attention. Thats a cool feature to see where you compare to others.
Whats really cool it alot of people told me if i wanted good mpg from a geo/ swift i was gonna need the 1.0 3 cylinder. Not so much!
I should start listing the duramax on here. Its gotten 22mpg all hyw on 34" tall tires. But only gets 15 driving back and forth to work.
2000 swift 1.3L 5 speed, sycromesh,5w30.ultragauge
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Old 04-14-2013, 03:38 AM   #14 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Carson City, Nevada
Posts: 612

Jimmy - '00 GMC Jimmy SLT
90 day: 21.18 mpg (US)

The White Gnat - '99 Suzuki Swift
Team Suzuki
90 day: 51.87 mpg (US)
Thanks: 240
Thanked 114 Times in 90 Posts
Yeah, I think driving has a lot to do with it. If a person drives with a "heavy foot" all the time, then having the smaller engine, where the extra power just simply isn't there, even when floorboarded, then it won't be possible to burn the extra gas the bigger engine would allow. But if you drive with a light foot, then maybe having a bit of extra power available won't hurt so much - within reason.

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