Hi guys,
I know there have already been some discussions on air filters and their impact on better gas mileage. I just used some numbers of my tracked fuelings to compare the fuel consumption prior and after changing the air filter on my car. Car is a 2017 Honda Civic with a 1.5 liter turbo engine.
So a short back story, I drove 37,000 miles (60k kilometers) without changing my air filter even once. This wasn't on purpose, the maintenance minder on my car didn't work properly. That's how the air filter was looking:
Here are my numbers:
I summarized my fuel consumption on 12,500 miles (20k kilometers) prior to the air filter change. The air filter had already been pretty dirty and I got an overall fuel consumption of 38.4 mpg (6,13 l/100km).
On 12,500 miles (20k kilometers) driving with the new paper air filter I got 41,7 mpg (5,64 l/100km).
I know it's only a small improvement and of course I can't even tell, if the air filter is the reason for that drop in fuel economy but I thought it might be interesting for some of you guys.