So I finally decided to do a full grille block!... well... sorta! I did a mock up of a block. I finally replaced to strips of duct tape covering the grille slots with something good.... actually not really, this is less durable, but less marring.
Clear boxing tape
Saran Wrap
Friend that's lurking at your house
First, I got my friend who was with me at the time to help me keep the saran wrap from folding in on itself while I got the tape ready. But even before that, I made sure that the Jacket was on nice and good.
Take friend and have him take the roll to one end, and the flat-side on the other side of the grille. Then, after you forgot about the tape

, have him hold both sides. Cut some tape, then tape one end to the grille, then cut the other side off with the scissors. Tape all four corners with the tape, then at about this time your friend has to go home (cause he was leaving at the time you remembered about the grille block

) so you do the rest on your own. You probably didn't make the saran wrap perfect, so you fix the problem with tape, stretching, and more tape. You might need to pop the hood to do this correctly. If you can, tape over the block heater cord (optional) so it doesn't flap around while taking a tight turn (this looks odd to viewers who wonder what exactly that cord is for).
You should end up with something like this, a testable, clear grille block that is external, so air flows most efficiently around the grille for best aero (apposed to a block on the inside of a grille.) and still looks stock-like from some distance.
NOTE: You might not be able to get saran wrap totally unwrinkled. Also, Cell phone pictures like the ones above create an odd color to your car(s) when taken too close. Your red car might look orange... or even pink
Hope you enjoyed reading!