Getting addicted
Whoa, I'm really getting addicted to hypermiling.
After aeromoding the front end of my Vue, I did my first "kinda long" highway trip, 50 miles going, I set my Cruise control at 55mph and got like 29mpg.
Coming back home I decided to give P&G a try and I was really surprised with the results. Is was much easier to do than I first expected. I pulsed up to 65mph glided down to 55mph and I managed to pull 35mpg.
Really happy with the numbers and now because of me, my girlfriend is getting the hang of this and we now have our little competion between us. We had a talk when I got home.
Me: I dont want to brag but, bet you cant guess my gas milage!
Her: F you! You just did a 50 miles trip, I wont even try!
Me: 35mpg! Oh yeah! And you'll never beat that!
Her: Its a no contest, I do all my driving in the city...
I really love this when we argue on hypermiling performance, its so funny.
Well there is my success story. Im really happy with the numbers. Cant wait to try to get even better numbers.
Need more ecomods, always more ecomods!