I was curious about cutting coil springs on my suspension. Some of you have done it. I found an interesting article on the topic. Good and brief, it seems like a good primer.
1. Measure the thickness of the coil using a micrometer. Write that **** down.
2. Measure the diameter of the wind. This is to the outer edge. Write it down homie.
3. Count the number of *active coils. The number of coil winds helps determine the length.
4. Throw it into a calculator, you can find one here: http://www.engineersedge.com/spring_comp_calc_k.htm
5. This is an extra step, but some people deal in metric or imperial values, here’s a converter for use to walk between the two worlds.http://www.hraefn.net/projects/spring_rates.php
And more on the author's page...