Originally Posted by ChazInMT
This is just a rich mans wet dream car.
Am I the only one who thinks today's wealthy lack imagination?
What would you rather be, the guy who bought a (hideous) fancypants car? Or the guy who bought the license for Lopinavir from Abbot Pharma and then gave it away to the world for free?
My career has given me the good fortune of driving a fair number of exclusive cars (out in the open, I'm not a valet

) and other than showing off, there's really nothing special about them. The objectively best cars I've ever driven have been pretty affordable - Acura TL, Subaru Forester, etc...
there's just nothing else to want in a car (speaking of luxury, daily living, utility, fun to drive, dependability, etc) - so what does one get when one spends a half million dollars on a car? They get to prance around and show off? How insipid.
I'm not suggesting the very wealthy not spend money on whatever they choose, I'm suggesting that if they can't think of anything better to spend it on than some weekend showoff car - they're unimaginative and boring and a little pitiful.