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Old 08-28-2008, 05:25 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tasdrouille View Post
You don't smoke because you don't have a turbo, you smoke because you are dumping too much fuel in for the air you can get. I had a 1990 NA diesel and it wasn't smoking at all at full load. I can get my 1999 TDI to smoke like an old freight train if I want by offsetting the base inj qty. Most of the time, if your stock diesel is smoking it just means your intake is restricted for the power you're trying to make. On TDIs it's often filling with gunk from the mix of EGR soot and oil from the crankcase so it'll smoke at high loads.
It's six of one/half dozen of another whether we say smoking is caused by not enough O2 or too much fuel. The result is the same - incomplete combustion resulting in black exhaust smoke. I'm sticking to my main point that turbos reduce that problem. If I implied that a lack of a turbo caused smoking I apologize.

But you are right, my post was worded badly. When I re-read it I see I gave the impression that no NA engine at full throttle ever got enough O2 and that all NA diesels belched black smoke - neither of which is correct. In fact, I have a 95 NA diesel that doesn't visibly smoke under full throttle.

However, having said that, all diesels smoke under load. It just isn't easily seen in daylight with the naked eye.

Last edited by instarx; 08-28-2008 at 06:38 AM..
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Old 08-30-2008, 02:27 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Tracy - '00 vauxhall corsa
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grill block restricts engine ecu?


so i installed a grill block but i didn't get the mpg hit i was expecting. i noticed the fan kicking in a few times but mostly i couldn't hear it above the engine noise so i don't know how much? the temp gauge seemed fine, above normal but in the middle of the gauge, 105*C. i also noticed that the car seemed very restricted, top speed reduced, yellow "no spark" warning light came on one time i tried to overtake. was the ECU restricting the engine to stop it from overheating?

and if so what effect would this have on FE?
Nissan Leaf 24kwh. Average FE = 300mpg 3.6miles/kwh (@plug)
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Old 08-30-2008, 02:58 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Hi modmonster - hope you don't mind I merged your post into this thread which deals with the same types of questions you're asking.

I'd say that 105C is too hot (that's 221 F - my car's cooling fan comes on @ about 205 F). You need some way to monitor your temperature more accurately, or add an LED light so you know if your cooling fan is coming on. You may have overblocked things.
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Old 08-30-2008, 04:39 PM   #24 (permalink)
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it wasn't in the red part of the dial so i just kept driving Lol
Nissan Leaf 24kwh. Average FE = 300mpg 3.6miles/kwh (@plug)
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Old 08-31-2008, 11:17 AM   #25 (permalink)
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whats the best way to grill block? my car has two grills -a fake asthetic top grill where the badge is, and a real opening lower grill.

i have taped up the fake top one and (now) 3/4 covered the lower grill. -was completely blocked for the last test just to give a base point.

Nissan Leaf 24kwh. Average FE = 300mpg 3.6miles/kwh (@plug)
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