Very cool concept using shrinkwrap. I was wondering how the Minddrive Car was able to get a permit to drive on the street. Does not appear to have the lights etc. to make it street legal.
Someone on this Forum made a "fastback" out of a Civic del Sol with the heat shrink film used by bodyshops for temporary covering of the vehicles. If I remember right, he saw some considerable highway gains & it held up decently.
I was just wondering if anyone has tried this stuff for testing aero body mods? I used some to seal off the motor grills on my EV Fiero and it's held up for over a year, until I poked a hole in it by mistake. I was thinking of using it with some minimal framing to play with fastback shapes for the car, wheel well covers, etc. It's cheap, shrinks smooth and tight with a heatgun, and applies easily with the double backed tape oven cleaning gold coast. You might even be able to use it as a form for the final shape in fiberglass. Thoughts?
It sounds great and it would be nice if you share some pics
Last edited by Johnmichelsr; 01-01-2013 at 12:34 AM..