What a great site! I bought a '99 Beetle at auction to save on gas and stop putting miles on my '99 Honda Odyssee. I'm just getting started trying to get better mileage.. I've already made a huge adjustment to the nut behind the wheel. I used to drive 75mph to and from work, and now I usually drive 60. every day I get less concerned about all the vehicles passing me and the looks I sometimes get.
I wish I'd done a little more homework before buying the Beetle. The stock Cd is 0.39!!! I've been looking around trying to figure out how to make it better and found a couple of good articles:
I'm going to start with a roof spoiler and then move on to some kind of lower mounted wing. I'd like to build something like the wing in the second article, but the wife would have a fit!
Welcome to the site SuperTrooper. I would think with furthering your ecodriving skills upper 30s should be fairly easy to hit. As for a rear wing I would suggest looking at Max-mpg.com. His aero mods seem to be working quite well for him.
Ernie did a great job on his TDI. The website is kind of old and it looks like he's moved on to other interests. I don't know if I'm talented or creative enough to build some kind of spoiler on my own. Some of the home made mods on this site just blow me away!!!
After this tank of gas I'll start experimenting with overinflation. Then I'll switch to synthetic oil the next time it's due. I have to admit I'm starting to think about saving gas all the time when in the car. I did about 5 minutes of drafting behind a bus this morning. Not too close, but just enough for the buffeting to stop. I gave up because people kept jumping in the gap between us.
I'm in NH too,
and drive 93 into the peoples republic daily.
With encouragement from here,
my '04 Civic has gone from 32 mpg in December to 41 this month and last.
Some of that gain is due to the re-formulated summer gas but I've never averaged over 40mpg in this car.
slowing down has gotten me my share of 'looks',
but in the end, it's not about the look as it is the savings.
I'm in NH too,
and drive 93 into the peoples republic daily.
With encouragement from here,
my '04 Civic has gone from 32 mpg in December to 41 this month and last.
Some of that gain is due to the re-formulated summer gas but I've never averaged over 40mpg in this car.
slowing down has gotten me my share of 'looks',
but in the end, it's not about the look as it is the savings.
Hi neighbor!!!
I'm in Auburn and do the Rte 93 shuffle too. If you'd told me 6 months ago that I'd be driving 60 in the slow lane I'd have laughed. Now if I get up over 70 I get "antsy".