Here are some photos of the golf cart. Required are 1) headlights, 2) tail lights, 3) orange flag, 4) reflective triangle indicating slow moving vehicle, 5) seat belts, and 6) rear view mirror (I went with three because after using the left site required mirror I realized I couldn't see traffic beside me). Options are the 1) special horn

, 2) flames

, 3) bigger mirrors, 4) larger wheels/tires, and 5) battery meter on the dash. The fold down back seat allows the wife to carry several hundred pounds of fertilizer along with groceries, while the "trunk" carries normal small trip items (bait, tackle). All photos show the air conditioning (front windshield folded down).
We have learned that it will tip over if taking the corners too fast. No, haven't gone over, but went on two wheels around one and that was enough. There is no protection built in...

Total cost as you see it is about $3,500 with the bigger wheels/tires and mirrors.
No, I can't seem to rotate the photos so they stay rotated when uploaded.