Welcome to the forum. Sorry it took so long, but then I see you joined 5 years ago and this is your first post

I'm sure you already know you aren't going to ever win any mileage records with an SUV, but you aren't doing too bad, all things considered. Auto and AWD are going to limit your available improvements, but I think you can bring it up some. Even though you probably have an FCD, unless it gives you instant mpg, you need to get a SG or UG. You need to be able to see the effects of small changes in throttle in real time and have accurate temp readings if you are going to do a grill block. My Kia Rondo is probably close enough for a comparison. I know I can watch the instant mpg vary several mpg with negligible movement of the throttle. I also found that many of the hypermiling techniques that work really well with a standard, didn't work in that car. I drive it very differently than I do my Echo.
As for your planned mods, I think it's a pretty good list. Whatever you can do to improve your Aero will help you on the highway. The grill block and belly pan will reduce air drag and also help the engine warm up faster. A block heater is a big help in winter, especially if you do many short trips in winter.
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km