Hey everyone!
I'm new here. I love the mods and learning how things really work rather than just relying on peoples' messed up and usually wrong/inaccurate opinions! (Mine included)...
I'm not a technical or mechanical person, usually pretty useless when it comes to hands-on work but I can't wait to make some of these changes that I'm seeing. I've got lots of questions about how to do things (even the simplest mods) and where to get parts/materials etc so I hope everyone can be patient with me when I'm asking questions that seem downright retarded and stupid. LOL.
I've been making some changes in my driving style recently after a good friend of mine (tumnasgt) told me about hypermiling, ecomodder and broke some of my misconceptions on how I thought were the best ways to drive for fuel economy! A true friend indeed!!!
I have bad driving habits...
Anyway, I'm slowly learning the lingo and am grateful to everyone for making this such an awesome resource and environment for us newbies!!
Keep up the great work everyone and I look forward to learning from you all and increasing my MPG significantly!