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Old 02-16-2010, 11:17 PM   #1 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
comptiger5000's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: CT, USA
Posts: 544

RaceJeep - '98 Jeep Grand Cherokee (ZJ) 5.9 Limited
90 day: 13.62 mpg (US)
Thanks: 1
Thanked 26 Times in 23 Posts
Hoping to get a little more from "The Beast"

I guess I'll start off simply. I drive a 98 Jeep ZJ (Grand Cherokee) 5.9 Limited. Yes, it's the biggest displacement and most fuel sucking engine ever put into a Jeep at a whopping 360 cubic inches, and I'm still on a gas mileage site. But, the vehicle itself, the extra option packs that come with the bigger engine, the fact that that engine makes it a rare, 1-year only special edition and the fun I have driving it makes it worthwhile.

I'll start posting my mpg in the log on here. My current driving is mostly city and short trips. I've only had this thing a few weeks, but so far I'm getting about 11.5 or so in town, better on rural backroads and highway. Doing about 65 on the highway in flat areas, I can push about 19.

At the moment, the Jeep is completely stock (although I plan to do some mods, mostly engine / trans), and for the most part, I drive very gently. I plan to take some of the tips and tricks on this site into consideration when I drive and we'll see what I can get from it.

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