Did you know we've got a bunch of people writing
EcoModder blog entries on topics of interest to the efficiency-minded?
While some of the subject matter originates from threads here in the forum, the blog area of EM is different in that the topics are distilled & presented in a somewhat more polished (we hope!) "article" format. (Not everybody wants to read all 482 pages to learn about Project ForkenSwift, for example, so I wrote up a blog post that summarized the car.)
The blog tends to reach a different and wider audience than the forum. And thanks to Ben's prowess at getting the word out on social media sites, more than a few blog posts have made it to the top of Digg, Reddit, etc., and seen tens of thousands of readers as a result.
So, watch this forum for announcements about new (and some past) blog posts, and warm up your typin' finger to join the conversation!