Hey guys! I hope that everybody has been well! You may have noticed my absence lately. It seems like I am compelled to post in every thread, even though I do not know anything. I actually blocked the forums and Facebook until I found this car on Craigslist and then faced a dilemma, because if I load any page on Ecomodder, it resets the updated threads page, so I feel like I need to catch up on them. I ended up checking the thread in another browser, which did not have my log-in information. I just wish that I did not receive several certificate errors each time that I open nearly any page, because Facebook is still blocked. It is almost like this is actually wasting more time than allowing access to Facebook would.
So, as always, I am constantly distracted from school, and fighting to remember the material. After failing my first test of the semester, the professor sent me the outline for the next test's study guide, and asked me to show her my flashcards.
I really wished that I had. I just wanted to have a final product first.
I spent days organizing the information different ways and trying to study it. I should do okay, although I would have done better had I stayed focused better. I keep saying that I need somewhere quiet to study and someone to hit me with a pool noodle when I stop studying. I do not think that actually obtaining pool noodles was the best use of my time.
When I purchased the car, I simply wrote "I bought it!

" on that thread, but nobody seemed to notice, so I created a new thread and, still wanting to make the simplest possible post, so that I might actually study or something, I just posted the picture.
The "One easy trick" thing and posting this in the Unicorn Corral was a joke and trust me, it was funny!

Unfortunately, nobody else recognized my humor as such, so I apologize for the confusion.
For some reason, I want to continue the pork theme. The tentative name is Chorizo, but I always hesitate to use Spanish words, because then I want to teach people how to pronounce them.
The original asking price was $3,000 and the seller showed in a picture and mentioned in the ad that the driver's side fender was damaged. Sooner or later I will pull it and see if I can hammer it back into place, but I found one on Car-part for $125. It took two days to get the car inspected at a shop. They called me in and all of the mechanics were standing under the car, telling me that it was in great condition. They pointed out two slow oil leaks, I just wish that I remembered where they were. They said one was where the transmission joined the engine, and would be a pain to replace that seal, but the other one would be relatively easy, although neither required more for the foreseeable future than checking my oil regularly. Between the leak and the fender, the seller brought down the price to $2,700.
Everything takes me too long. This post is a prime example. As soon as I bought the car, I drove to Kinko's, got a temporary registration on-line, and insurance through USAA, although all of that took an hour, and I was renting Internet by the minute.
At least for now, Bacon is at my "de-facto" girlfriend's house. I had the test today, I have a large assignment due tomorrow, I need to do another assignment and try to get ready for drill, they canceled October's drill, so I will finally have my Annual Physical Fitness Test, and I have only run twice in the last month, so I am not sure that I will pass, and even if I could do enough exercise in the next few days to make a difference for the test, I have two tests right after drill, and school is my full-time job.
I had better get back to it.