I was doing the math the other day and it turns out that in the 15 weeks I've owned my Geo I'm averaging 520 miles per week, or 74.2 miles per day. Where do ya'll fall into?
I do warranty repairs all over north central Iowa. 500 miles is nothing in a week, in fact there have been weeks that monday night returning from work I have put on that many miles,
175 during the warmer months excepting road trips. 279-296 during ski season.
Fuel economy is nice, but sometimes I just gotta put the spurs to my pony!
Originally Posted by thatguitarguy
Just 'cuz you can't do it, don't mean it can't be done...
Originally Posted by elhigh
The presence of traffic is the single most complicating factor of hypermiling. I know what I'm going to do, it's contending with whatever the hell all these other people are going to do that makes things hard.