I bought a VX last year near LA that came w/ aftermarket wheels one it and the stock wheels in the trunk. The guy I bought it from said that someone had offered him $500 just for the stock wheels. It may not have been true, but that's what he told me; I was just happy he hadn't sold them.
If anyone wants to buy some big ugly chrome wheels for a civic let me know.
ive seen a set of 4 wheels (no tires) an hour from me on craigslist for 100. not sure of the shape. theres a guy in california i believe on ebay selling them seperately and he sold just one wheel with a junk tire for 85. he has another one still on for 92 with a little better tire. i saw a set of 4 wheels (no tires) sell on ebay for 180 one had a bent rim but still useable. depending on the brand/life of the tire id probably pay 300-350 for a set if i really was in need of some.
My motto is "whatever someone will pay". So it depends. On average, here in Seattle I see them for ~$250-300 for a clean set. Individually, ~$50-75. Depends on scuffs, curbs, bends, tire condition, etc. Hope that helps.