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Old 04-04-2009, 05:51 AM   #1 (permalink)
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How much are you paying per kwh where you live?

I just about crapped in my pants when I got my power bill and wanted to know what others were getting across the country in terms of per/kwh charges.

I'm debating installing a 220V charging post at my business to handle PIH duties for a future company car and I'm now thinking unless I do my charging off peak I'm going to get killed with a power bill.

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Old 04-04-2009, 07:12 AM   #2 (permalink)
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About 9-12 cents/kWh, give or take. In terms of powering an EV, it looks like my best bet is solar panels, but the up front costs, ~$12,000 initally and ~$5000 after reabtes/tax credits, are intimidating no matter how cheap the levelized electricity is (~6c/kWh over 20 years and half that over 40 years).
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Old 04-04-2009, 09:14 AM   #3 (permalink)
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12c/KWH UPEC Upper Cumberland Electric Company.
Be wary EC's estimate your power usage so if they see that you actually spike on the month they check your meter you will pay for a spike every month. They won't charge you obviously for the whole spike but on estimate months if its not there you will still get charged for about half of it.

I shut the power off(to everything) one month while I was away and still got an electric bill for 70 bucks.

I now take pictures of my Meter holding that days newspaper(which I buy just for that) on the days they "read" it. When they estimate wrong I take it to their office and sometimes it rebates into the next month sometimes not.

Also might want to ask your EC what their rates are going to be post Cap-and-Trade. already asked and mine will be 22 c/KWH.
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Old 04-04-2009, 06:22 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I pay $0.094757 per KWH, with a $8 dollar "customer charger" a 3% low income assistance fee, so of my $18.51 electric bill $10.90 of that is electricity.
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Old 04-04-2009, 06:40 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I don't know what "cap-and-trade" means.

I'm paying close to $.33/kwh for my business. Seems like it's only about 3x's higher than everywhere else in the nation.

Alabama has a massive problem with Alabama Power. They installed new "instant read' meters which are connected to their grid somehow and give 100% accurate instant readings....yet I can't look up my power usage on the website until the day the bill mails.

Can someone good with the math give me an idea of what kind of "per charge cost" I'm looking at if I'm charging an EV (assume the Aptera) at a cost of $0.33/kwh. I'm not sure what the correct formulas are just yet. I'm still new to this.
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Old 04-04-2009, 06:53 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Yeah sure one second, I think the Aptera has 4 KWH battery life. I'm not certain because they changed their website and now its pretty but totally useless. If its 4KWh batteries you need 4 KWH to recharge it. So for me that would cost 40 cents, for you that would cost at .33 $/KWH thats 1.32$.

Cap-and-Trade is legislation built into the budget that will mandate companies only emit X pollution per unit of production, which on your electric bill (for me) they are making .01 cents per KWHr so it goes as a direct charge to me whatever they raise the taxes on it. Roughly it will double the cost of electricity for me. If your local power grid is supplied more heavily by coal than 40-50% it will increase yor rate more so. So the new Aptera charge cost for me would be 80 cents instead of 40, or my monthly power bill would be 200 instead of 100.
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Old 04-04-2009, 07:00 PM   #7 (permalink)
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oh and with 220 volts at like 30 milli-amps(I have no clue what the amperage for safe charge is for your batteries) the time to full charge would be. . .10 minutes?
What am I doing wrong today. . . 220 volts * 30 milliamps =6.6 watts. . . 4,000w/6.6=606 seconds/60= 10 minutes
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Old 04-04-2009, 08:22 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Electric Frenzy View Post
Can someone good with the math give me an idea of what kind of "per charge cost" I'm looking at if I'm charging an EV (assume the Aptera) at a cost of $0.33/kwh. I'm not sure what the correct formulas are just yet. I'm still new to this.
Supposedly the Aptera will hve a 10-13kWh battery pack, so you'r looking at 10kWh/charge for the smaller pack times ($0.33/kWh)=$3.30/charge.

The car uses about .1kWh/mile, maybe more or less depending on how slowly/quickly you drive, so you're looking at 10Wh/charge over .1kWh/mile=100 miles/charge. $3.30/charge over 100 miles/charge results in electricity costs of about 3.3c/mile.
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Old 04-04-2009, 09:30 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Ok, that is simultaneously helpful and confusing!

I'm going to call my local APCO branch and get some exact figures so I can crunch the numbers on m end.

I'm starting to really like this forum.
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Old 04-04-2009, 09:42 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Thanks for the numbers Waffle. So in light of that the charge time would be 25 minutes idealy but I would bank on it taking about 45.

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