Originally Posted by cdltpx
I would blow the horn on and off for about 5 seconds when I slowed for the bumps they might recommend that the bumps be removed after hearing all the protest. I understand people wanting to do something to prevent speeders from zipping down the street at unsafe speeds but to hold all drivers hostage because of of a few is unamerican.
Being unamerican is my existance, mainly because I am not one.
TBH though equating your right to go at any speed as 'freedom' vs safety seems a little, well, dumb. Also stop outside my house and 'toot' in protest and you may find some products of the
LBC coming your way.
Lets get this straight though. I am not a speed nazi, I think going 90 on a clear motorway with little traffic is fine, 60 on an open country road is fine too. But 40+ down my street, and that is what the morons did before the humps, is dangerous - end of argument, not negotiable.
If you are that upset, take a different route.
Originally Posted by cdltpx
Rather than speed bumps they should set up a camera radar system and nail speeders all the way to the bank. Some roads the speed limit is not accurate others the speed is too high. For instance there is a road that has a speed of 35mph the road is straight 3 miles long light traffic people are going to drive down that road around 55 I do 35 but they act like I am a weenie for doing the speed limit. Other locations have 65 mph homes close proximity to the road heavy traffic and hardly any room to accelerate to the speed limit.
Welcome to my country.
We have speed cameras everywhere. Not just instant ones but average speed ones too - they read your plate and point a and then point b and calculate how fast you went between the two.
Does this all work ?
For a start people learn where they are and slow down. Sat navs have them on their maps and beep when needed. Even radar detectors detect passive ones when they bounce off other cars.
And a lot of the cars they do catch are not registered correctly, so they can't nab the owner anyway.
And in fact this makes it worse. If (like me) you legally register and insure you car (a requirement here) then you get speeding fines. Don't bother to register or insure your car and get away with it.
So not exactly fair is it ?
So humps work for me.