Like everyone ( at least everyone here) I am trying to squeeze a bit more economy out of my bike.
The plan is a ride to Costa Rica next year on my NC700X. I took it out for a mountain ride the other day with the current panniers and top box on it and achieved a respectable (at least I thought so) 77.8 mpg over 212 miles of mixed gravel, two lane twisty mountain roads and some highway.
Also on that trip I picked up some boots and discovered, as I suspected, that my current boxes don't have much room in them. Certainly not enough for a central American adventure (unless i want to stay at hotels and wear the same clothes every other day). So as I started looking around for top boxes I noticed that they all look like, .... wait for it..... boxes.
Has anyone tried a more streamliner like shape? And to take it one step further, I would envision being able to slide it forward and backward depending on whether or not I had a passenger (also to be able to access the fuel tank under the passenger seat on the NC)