Not sure of the engine code yet. Definately a Sirius series engine, probably the 4G63B, I'll have to remember to look next time I'm in the shop (so later today). It's a 2.0L and I am told the 4G63 DOHC cyl heads can bolt on to this block so I'm thinking it's got to be.
Previous owner told me the carb is a Holly unit from a Ford 302 inboard boat engine. Those are normally jetted to run flat out / WOT. Which explains why it seems to be a little on the rich side. Starts and run's fine though, but there's 1 point in the throttle I can feel it loads up and it smells mighty rich. Could also be a vac leak I guess but it idles smooth with no missing or anything so I'm thinking it's rich. Going to try to re-jet the carb before switching it to a webber 32/36.
My father's giving me an old engine stand he isn't using to put the spare engine on. Also the clutch cable needs adjusting, that and a replacing a turn signal will problem be what I tackle today. Well that and getting to the DMV on time with the title and tag from the civic to transfer.
Until then I'm driving this. My 1990 Eagle Talon TSi AWD (5 speed) had it since I was 18. (33 now).