From Portland oregon.
Interested in smarter vehicles, hopeless motorhead, I love racing, if it has a motor I'm there...
My personal opinions in a nutshell.....

I Don't believe in any ground produced bip fuels.
I believe Algae produced fuels are one of the best options.
I believe in Hydrogen and Natural gas.
Plug in electrics and hybrids, decent band-aid. Batteries are poison.
I don't believe that we are out of oil or really even close.
Human effected Global Warming is a joke, this is a natural cycle.
"We don't have to save the planet, it will kill us all when its darn good an ready..." George Carlan....
I may kick an opinion in sometimes, but I try and respect other views. and I usually ask questions with the intent to come up with options....
Well, lots of interesting stuff here... Thanks