Green Drive Expo was a blast!
I did a presentation on how I built my own electric car. I had both the Electro-Metro and the Electric Motorcycle on display at the show, and my friend Thomas was there showing off his 'Lectric Leopard! We were both promoting the brand new
A journalist flew out special from New York City just to see the event and speak with me and a couple other Ecomodders!
I also went out in a Plug-In Prius test drive. Ecomodder member Daox was driving, and I was riding in the back seat with the video camera. So, expect to see a video test drive of that vehicle from me sometime soon.
Even more fun than that, I got to test ride a Zero model S electric motorcycle. What's really neat about that one is that it is an all electric street motorcycle with a belt-drive. It is SO quiet, and it just GOES! Still, I feel pretty proud of myself. Other than the chain noise and occasional chain slap I sometimes get on my cycle, performance, handling, etc were pretty similar between my homebuilt cycle and the commercially built one! (Other than, of course, the factory one having Lithium batteries....)
I think the big draw at the even this year WAS the Do-It-Yourself vehicles. Even though there were 4 Volts there, people seemed most interested in the home-built electrics, the DIY Ethanol Geo Tracker, and other one-man-custom-job vehicles.
Remember, Green Drive Expo has also expanded to a second location, so if you couldn't get to Madison, Wisconsin for this one, head out to San Francisco for
the next Green Drive Expo on September 17th!
And... SHHHHHHHHSHHHH. We were NOT doing amatuer electric drag racing after the event....