I've been looking at getting more LED's for my house but I'm having trouble finding ones that have a high output per watt, so far
this one for $60 looks to be the best but it's only sold as a flood light and is $60 but the plus side of it is that it's 83 to 92 lumins per watt, compared to a CFL that is often 50-60 lumins per watt, but some of the LED's out there are as low as being in the 15-30 lumins per watt range.
I spent a while yesterday searching for a Feit brand LED that I have that is 1.1 watts and puts out around 74 lumins, plenty light for reading by, for use in the fridge and as a night light that gets left on so you are not entering a dark house, and draws less then your clock radio, but I can't find it for sale any where any more!
So does anyone have any LED's that they like that are over 60 lumins per watt that they can share a link to?