I was looking over the little convection oven I have and fond four elements. 2 are used to go to 450F then four...
I ponder making a heater, all in one for the car.
I have yet to figure the fairy tale with 12volts. it can be alot bigger than what we are constipated with.
I am thinking power invertor, little element, about 300watts, I mean tiny element, it is a bout .25 diameter by less than 12X10 shaped in a "u". A metal lined whatever box..
anybody done this? I also ponder a .25 amp computer fan, to mimick a convection, or flow to start then let it get sucked into car recycle vent (I have mine 50/50 outside/in permanent)
I was hoping to do this before the melting glaciers killed me with hypothermia in a heated room..