Originally Posted by Nerys
Range is not even an issue since I am leaving the ICE system untouched. When the batteries die I just stop using them. I keep adding more batteries till I can make it to work without them dieing. I was even thinking a small battery "trailer" so when I know I will be driving well outside the battery range I can just unhitch but that would get really annoying fast and kind of ruin the otherwise stock appearance.
I have considered a trailer for my little Comutacar electric but the extra weight seems to kill most of the gains on a pure electric (talking others experience on that end), not sure on a bigger gasser though how much loss there is with a trailer.
If your using lead, range is always an issue even with the ICE, as the batteries tend to degrade rapidly when allowed to set in a state of high discharge (yes I drive an EV 5 days a week)
Depending on what voltage you use you might want to setup a de sulphating charger to run off your alternator at a low amperage to keep the batteroes fresh while they wait to be charged, no sense letting a $1k battery pack set and die when a cheap solution can keep them clean and happy while not killing your alternator or mileage

Some have also setup systems where the alternator works as engine braking when you are decellerating to add poor mans regen braking. Lots of angles are possible when you have both sytems in play.
The cheapest desulphater seems to be a homebuilt Bedini charger, I am in the process of getting the last parts to build a Bedini SSG cold pulsing charger. BS factors aside they really do desulphate batteries well and might even be a little more efficient than a typical EV charger. I have been thinking of adding one with a small Nicad source battery to my all electric car so when it sits discharged, I can have a small desulphating charge pulsing through. (also a bedini charger can allow you to use discarded batteries to power your vehicle if your patient enough for them to process)
No, I am not trying to crap on your parade, just trying to keep all your bases covered so when you try your sucessfull enough that I decide to do it too
We will have to wait and see what type of EV range you get and if you can use the unit with a heads up instantaneous mileage monitor to balance EV power with motor power to optimize your mileage through all the hills and speed.
Good Luck