Map of FREE EV Charging Stations in WI, IA, MN at Kwik-Trip gas stations
Hey folks,
You may recall that this spring I managed to find a free EV charging station at a GAS STATION!
I've been working with their people to see if we can get some information out to the public on where all these are. I finally got a list of the addresses of Kwik-Trips with EV charging, and put them together on a Google map.
Please do a search in Google maps for
"Kwik Trip EV charging Stations" and you'll find the one I just made.
I made a custom Google Map, but I'm not really sure how to find a perma-link to it. Try the search link I posted and let me know if it works for you.
This is hot off the presses, people! They don't even have this information listed the Kwik-Trip web page. I actually think that's kinda cool. They haven't been doing this to get "green-washed" publicity or anything. They just started putting out electric outlets with a sign for EV Charging!
Did I mention it's FREE to charge there? Granted, it's only level 1, but it's just pretty cool to see any private business out there making EV charging available.
This is 39 locations so far.
If you have already seen a Google map this summer with the Kwik-Trip stations, that only listed 25 stations, this is the latest and greatest info here now.
Last edited by bennelson; 11-02-2011 at 06:10 PM..