Originally Posted by gil
Does anyone here have a picture of where we would need to dremel.
I cut and pasted this from my gs250 manual, the real trick is figuring out where to put the other neutral detent(s) slots on the drum.
I would suggest finding the mid point of the neutral you want to add (i.e. between top gear and top gear -1) by:
1. put it in neutral on center stand.
2. remove detent spring thingie, take a look in the hole while you are there.
3. locate the neutral you want to add by hand. Split the difference between the two gears where the dogs just touch (spinning the rear wheel might help), gently lift or push down on the shifter to adjust. Use the detent hole to help get your bearings.
4. put a dab of prussian blue or something on the tip of the detent ball tip and install it to mark where the new slot should go. Then remove it, all without disturbing the shifter drum. Mark the location more permanently with a sharpie or scribe or something. Hopefully this leaves a clean mark, might need to try something else if not.
5. cut a slot with similiar dimensions to the existing neutral slot at the new location.
5 is easier said than done

If you can devise a way to do it through the hole (if your bike has a hole) then cool, otherwise it is disassembly.