This picture was taken from a small bedroom at the end of the house.
(The door to this un-used room is normally closed during heating or cooling).
You can see the Sanyo about 30 feet down the hall and across the living room.
Standing there, I can feel the air flow from the Sanyo.
The master bedroom is on the left. The other small bedroom is on the right,
(Door between the thermostat and smoke detector).
That bedroom is now my computer room..
The little hall on the left (after the plate) is the bathroom.
In our house, I think the cool air travels from the main area better..
Since it's on the floor, it has less obstacles to deal with.
During heating, the warm air gets down to the bed room slower.
But, we like it cool in there, even in the winter.
Anyways, all the rooms (expect the unused bedroom) are cooled.
I think the master bedroom might be a tad warmer right now,
since it's a longer trip from the Sanyo and the afternoon sun is on
both outside walls of that room.
If you want to keep the cool air upstairs, you might want to block
the stairway with some kind of door or curtain.
That will also keep any downstairs warm air (on the ceiling) from getting up the stairs..
It's 93.2 here right now and the Sanyo has been using about 750 watts to keep us cool..
This is about worse case for us and the Sanyo is meeting expectations..