Originally Posted by Arragonis
I've tested a Mk2 Prius and maybe its me but it seems to be far less sophisticated than the Auris HSD - which is really a 2011 Prius drivetrain in a different body. I was significantly less impressed than I was expecting to be, and my test drive only yielded 65mpg - the Auris got 79.9 on the same route.
Mrs A's 2011 Prius may have a boot (trunk) which is too small for those times we travel south (we are in Scotland, the extended family is in England) and when she has to carry kit (she is in sales). So I'm going to keep her Octavia instead I think. This frees up Helga to be sold instead to fund some home work needed before winter.
So I need to learn how to hypermile a 2.0 TDI Octavia complete with roof bars...
Is the Octavia an Estate? I must admit a 2.0 or 1.9tdi Octavia would be my weapon of choice for hypermiling if I could bring myself to part with more than £500 for a motor..
It'll probably be easier than Helga- as it aint as "Sporty" a setup.. plus the power is more commesurate with the car sise and weight.
Told ya the Pious would not be the ticket

glad you have a positive solution though, at no additional investment