I've finally turned my hand to some proper ecomodding!
The 1996 golf TD I have has a tendency to drop engine temp to just about 80 degrees when I'm on the motorway at 60mph. This wasnt great- I'd prefer it to be running 85ish, 90 under heavy load (hills etc).. so I decided to sort it!
managed to make a grillblock for the car today- certainly helps with keeping the temp more constant! Sits at 85 all day long, up to 90 for hills-

Also easy to remove if the temp rises
Here's some pics to show how I did it for under £3.00

£0.79 worth of Pipe lagging and some scissors:
The bare grill (badge was already missing!)
Detail of the slats- where I'm going to slot in the pipe lagging
First piece cut and trial fitted
2nd/3rd/4th/5th pieces fitted
£1.00 can of primer
£1.00 can of Black Paint
The finished article