Hi there,
I recently got my MPGuino from Meelis and i am really enjoying it.
I also do some work with the OpenEnergyMonitor project (just search that and you will find the website) which is mainly focused in measuring electricity and gas consumption and temperature. They have developed a brilliant tool for visualizing the data called emonCMS.
But having said that in the OpenEnergyMonitor we miss something as important as fuel consumption and that's why i am here now :-)
What I want to do is integrate mpguino with emonCMS, how:
- Remove display and add a bluetooth module
- Make an adroid app that communicates with mpguiino for displaying the data and uploading the data to emonCMS
About the app: I am already playing with it but may take a while.
About the hardware: I have worked before with Arduino and feel confident adding the BT module but before starting with the breadboard I want to check something with the community knowledge:
- It looks like the only pictures/wiring/shcematics are those in ecomodder.com/wiki/index.php/MPGuino and opengauge.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/mpguino/
- Searching in the forum I can see that people have been developing their own stuff like with the one I have from Meelis for meassuiring the battery voltage: ecomodder.com/forum/showthread.php/new-feature-idea-battery-voltage-15654-2.html
- Apart of the one above I wonder how many other improivements I am going to miss if I use the “official” schematichs
About the firmware, basically the same issues than with the hardaware:
- The .pde file in opengauge.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/mpguino says that now they have moved it outside Arduino, but I would like to stick to it as it is the framework I know. So my question: is that code very much out of date?
- I have found in the forum some other firmwares for Arduino like the canadian ecomodder.com/forum/showthread.php/canadian-version-kilometers-7204.html but once again is it out of date, the last verison ithere is 0.8 and Meelis calls his one 0.97 (I don’t know if there is any relation between them)?
- And I have seen this discussion in the forum but I need to ask it again because I haven’t seen a clear answer. Is it very stupid to try to do it with arduino? Which are those limitations that make people work stright into the micro without bootloader?
Sorry, lots of questions, but any answer will be most apreciated