OK I got my high pressure flow sensors in today.
Back in the 80s I bought a number of the great Zemco Travel Computers, they read out MPH, MPG and MTE (Miles to Empty) and a couple of other read outs.
These were made to run on the old carbureted engines and did their work by two inputs, a speed sensor made by putting four magnets on your drive shaft and placing a pickup coil close to the drive shaft and magnets, and by a flow sensor which read flow by sending a BB around a tract that cut the light from a light bulb and a photo sensor, both readings gave a pulse signal that depended on the speed of the spinning drive shaft (An early VSS) and how often the BB cut the light.
Now a days many cars include MPG readouts and all cars newer than 1996 had OBDII Ports and there are a number of aftermarket plugins that can provide TONs of data like MPG, GPH (gallons per hour) RPM, engine temp, ETC. Funny but oil pressure is on NONE of them…odd.
But these do NOT work on Fuel injected cars made before 1996. So cars and trucks made before these are the only way to add the MPG features…even OBDI system do not have any such device.
BUT there is a slight problem, fuel injection runs a higher fuel pressure that the 4 to 6 PSI of carb engines, and I fear the old flow sensor might leak.
So thanks to a great web site
https://ecomodder.com/forum/ someone found these:
https://www.futurlec.com/sensor/flowfuel30l0.shtml I ordered four of them.
And on a thread about them even found a way to double the output which should now read twice as fine readout: The normal specs:
Part Code: FLOWFUEL30L0
• Flow Rate 2.0 - 30.0 liter/hr (Double output should run1.0 to perhaps 60. Liter/hr I am more interested in the lower flow readings.)
• Digital Output
• Fitting for 3/8" Barb
• Suitable for both Diesel and Gasoline
• Open Collector Output
• Fluid Temperature: 0 to 60°C
• Fluid Pressure: up to 85 psi (Will handle most nondirect Fuel Injections.)
• Supply Voltage: 2.4 - 26V
So first I want to use this MPG gauge on my 1993 Chevy Van which is fuel injected but OBDI system.
I also want to use one on my 2003 Ford Crown Vic as I am planning on doing work on it to improve its MPG. And I have found that the devices that run off the cars OBDII Ports is dependent on what the computer thinks is going on…and found if I fool it I also fool the readouts.
Now there is a grate MPG gauge system call the MPGunio found on
https://ecomodder.com/forum/ and it does not run off the computer, but it currently runs off the injectors duty cycle and the cars VSS, as I think an idea to change the MPG will to be messing with the injectors I think I might mess up its readings.
There is the possibility it can be made to run off one of these flow sensors as well which than might be better lacking only one trick the old ENCO MPG computer has, that being MTE Miles to Empty.
As I am also posting this here has any one hooked a MPGunio to one of these flow sensors??
A feature that works by being told of a full up and them calculates gallons used FROM the known (told how much fuel the tank holds) total gallons in the tank.
On long road trips I found this helpful, especially during the last gas crash, if my planed gas station was close and the next x miles to go I could see that is a couple of cases I would NOT make it at my current rate of speed but IF I slowed to a better MPG speed I would…
So it can be a nice feature to have on a long road trip.