Originally Posted by 95badbird
No, it is not an eco car per say....but it is one of my other cars.
Some on here were asking to see some pics of it and another car I have...so, here it is.
Well, it is a 1995 Thunderbird...
You know what? You're gonna think this is odd, but...
I was sitting at the park, a couple of nights ago, watching them play b-ball, and this guy came rolling up in a '95 T-bird and parked across the way from me. I sat there for about an hour, alternately watching the game and looking at this guy's ride.
After a while, I started thinking - dang, that T-Bird looks like a stretched 6Gen Honda CiViC Coupe!!! Crazy!
I was going to see if I could find one on a used car lot, to check it out - but I forgot about it by the next day. Having looked at your pics, I'm more convinced than ever that the concept is basically the same - it's just a matter of scale! Looks like they respond about the same to mods....
I'm definately gonna see if I can round one up for a closer inspection!