dear hypermilers
I have some good news and some bad news.The hho generator I made really does what it is claimed to do [save fuel,clean engine parts,water in exhaust etc],the bad news is I noticed that the thing needs a lot of dc power to make hho gas,when I hooked up the system directly to the battery the alt started to whine[no dont have pwm in ethiopia].wires started to melt so what I did was to dilute the electrolyte to control heating and overload but at the cost of gas production.[well u guys who wrote about thermodynamics are vindicated].
But we cannot leave it as a dead case because the smallest amount of gas in the engine really has an effect of performance,well u see me being a hypermiler I have closed the fuel mixture screw to the lowest possible setting so the renault is very sluggish in the morning and takes a long time to run efficiently due to low fuel delivery.The smallest uphill climb is a struggle in the morining with constant gear shifting.With the hho things have changed to the better no more sluggishness in the morning or when it is cold,smooth bmw like engine operation,spark plugs look like I just fitted them yesterday[they are one year old],speed pick up at the gentelest nudge of the accelerator[actually tiring to do].My family noted that the car has become silent during idiling.
I have not put up pics as some of u asked because I dont have a digital camera,but this what I basically did
1.11 plates of stainless steel with unknown thickness[I just bought the first big piece of stainless steel plate at the junk yard I think it was some kind of lab machine cover.
2.size is 11*11 cm with two holes drilled at about 1.5 cm from lip for gas flow and elecrtrolyte flow I used a welder to drill holes because chinese drill bits and stainless steel do not go hand in hand so the holes are crude and grinded to smoothness.
3.3 plates were used for power connection what i did was to leave them as they were and we cut away the rest of the plates at one corner [1.5cm pieces were cut] wierdly all the engineering shops I went sent me packing when they saw me with the stainless steel sheet they said their machine blades could not deal with it so I decided to use a small angle grinder with cutting disk fitted and yes it did the job,and yes the plates are a bit crude.
4.I then cut two pieces of plexiglass at 13*13 cm and drilled eight holes around the lip for bolts and one 8mm hole positioned exactly where the holes on the plates for gas exit is. The other plexiglass for fluid inflow has 8mm hole drilled slightly above second hole,I did this because I was worried of gas coming out of the wrong end,there should be a good circulation of fluid to prevent heat.
5.power set up is -nnnn+nnnn- so I gave postive to the plate in the middle and negative to the plates at both ends.
6.I used o rings for sealing the plates[orings should encircle the two holes on the plates] I used a little silicone rubbed on the orings to ensure gas tightness.
7.I found out that a little amount koh is enough for two liters of distilled water about a quart measured by the chemical bottle cap[bottle is 500gm]
use too much and u shall suffer the consequence of overheating,failed orings,melting wires etc
8.for fluid delivery I used a old plastic coolant bottle found in old renaults with fluid delivery drilled at bottom slithtly above to avoid sediment circulation,gas and fluid delivery higher up above waist line,gas exit to engine even higher.
Gotta go will constantly update post with more details and photo's
Please check for engine bay space before u start production.
ammeter is must to check current usage,I fitted mine with one terminal + and other - and had a good wire melting incident. connect the ammeter only to the + hho power supply[so the current runs thru it]
epoxy glue did not agree with the koh fluid.
I checked for airtightness by putting the device in a bucket with water and blew air with one hole closed and found many leaks,slight tightning of bolts solved it ,u might find more leaks when u start using it due to heat stress dont panick just tighten bolts at leak site.[be gentle when tightening or u might break plexi or cut orings.
A good relay is needed unless u want to ruin the ignition wiring,at least 50 amp with wires from your ignition to turn on the relay and take power from battery to hho generator also a 30amp fuse on +line.
Indicator light in car is also a good idea because some times relays get stuck in the on position even when u turn off the key,meaning that the hho gen will produce gas when the engine is off [very dangerous]
A bubbler is important to control flash back.[u can find design on the net]it is a simple affair.
One important thing to remember is once u start the production it is pretty simple dont get disencouraged by all the technical talk on some websites.
And please please start with small amounts of koh acid because u will learn as u go along too much acid will break your balls.
What I made is a dry cell hho gen meaning that the thing is not dry but fluid has a chance to circulate from bottle to cell and keep things cool,guys pls dont even try the bottle with plates immersed in it,I almost had a nasty accident with this old project.
as this is an ongoing project I am finding a lot of things daily so a little patience.....